Level UP Youth Outreach Programs Caring Communities youth based outreach program Level UP, is designed to help empower students to strive for greatness by working and learning from caring mentors, life changing presentations, and community involvement. Level UP is designed to work with different segments of the youth population to ensure success. Become involved TODAY! There are a number of ways YOU can help!
Level UP Mentoring Outreach
Level UP Mentoring is powered by volunteerism. Children/Youth are paired with an Adult Mentor that builds a relationship that is centered on helping the child develop and become stronger and more focused on a brighter future. The Mentoring Outreach Project works with area youth 10-18 years old.
Drug Free Youth Coalition
The Coalition meets on a monthly rotation and works to empower youth to remain DRUG FREE! Strategies are designed to work with various partnerships to develop the best fit for outreach with the goal of students being DRUG FREE! For more information on the Coalition meeting dates and time please click the logo below.
After School Tutoring/Literacy Program
Level UP Youth Outreach partners with Doyle Elementary School to provide the After School Program two days per week, throughout the school year. The outline of the project is to match a certified teacher with the students providing specialized help with immediate reading issues. There are three components to program: literacy development, recreation and homework assistance. The goal for the project is to see students reading at the desired grade level or above.
G.I.R.L.S. Group
Is designed to give young ladies, grades 5th - 6th an opportunity to feel empowered, gain self- esteem and awareness, develop positive coping mechanisms, improve daily problem-solving skills, feel connected with other girls, and make healthy decisions as they grow through turbulent times. Through counseling in peer groups, group discussion, and fun activities, girls learn more about themselves and be better equipped to handle real life situations. The GIRLS Group meets once weekly throughout the school year.
DYS Outreach Project
Caring Communities/Level UP works jointly with the Division of Youth Services to build a strong network of resources prior to youth graduating from DYS Services. The Coordination involves building strong relationships several month prior to release. Group activities, outings and individual support from a mentor help to guide the youth and decrease the number of youth that return to DYS.
Summer Camps
LevelUP provides summer camps that work to instill character, build life skills and provide a resource that offers an outlet for youth. The summer camps are located in East Prairie and Charleston. Dates for the camps and the locations are listed online at Levelupyouth.com along with registration information.