CAAAP Coalition
(Community Alliance Against Adolescent Pregnancy)
The CAAAP Coalition is a community-wide effort in Mississippi County to help combat the county's teen pregnancy problem. Community agencies, organizations and school representatives from various sectors of the county work together to obtain three particular goals surrounding teen pregnancy.
Reduce Teen Pregnancy Rate.
Increase Community Awareness about Teen Pregnancy.
Increase Parental Involvement in the Lives of Teens.
These representatives meet to brainstorm strategies to reach these goals. Strategies, thus far, include: Sexual Awareness Training, "It's Time to Talk" Parent Forums, "A Time for Us" Mother/Daughter Events & "Guys' Night Out" Father/Son Events. No direct federal or state dollars are generated for the contingency of this program. The members of CAAAP solicit donations and coordinate fundraisers to incur and costs associated with the program.
Please help the CAAAP Coalition and our teens.
Your time and/or donations are greatly appreciated,
603 Garfield East Prairie, MO 63845
Phone: 573-683-7551
Fax: 573-683-7591