To promote awareness of community issues, facilitate system reform, and work with citizens and organizations to enhance or develop community resources achieving healthy more productive children, families and communities.
Caring Communities is a community initiative. Our goal is to share decision-making, accountability and resources to support better ways of financing, governing and delivering services to achieve better results for children and families.
See What is Happening.......

Community Outreach Center Development
Over the past several years, Caring Communities has been working to develop a community center that will house several different resources and provide childcare services for residents. The first stage of the project is underway with the purchase of the downtown block property and adjoining building. Renovations will begin on the present building that will house the childcare center and additional components of the community center will be developed following the completion of the childcare center. The Center's downtown location will foster workforce projects and programs, after school tutoring, business development projects along with exciting activities and events that help provide an economic boost to the City and county as a whole.

Workforce Program
Southern Missouri Works Project - SMWP
Caring Communities Workforce Program - SMWP offers assistance to 7 counties in Southeast Missouri. The Workforce program provides support, training and other support services to help families become financially dependent by developing a career plan, gaining valuable work skills to help, earning the proper credentials to obtain employment at a living wage of $12 dollars or more an hour. To see some success stories and understand the process click the link below.

Caring Communities Early Learning Center
The Early Learning Center in East Prairie now has a waiting list for parents in need of childcare. If wishing to place your child on the waiting list please contact our office at @ 573-683-7551.
Anyone wishing to apply for a childcare staff position at the center please submit a resume to the main office in East Prairie or send your resume to info@mccaring.org. For more information please contact our main office at the number above.
Follow the center on Facebook @Caring Communities Early Learning Center.

Missouri Community Partnerships - MOFACT.ORG
Caring Communities is proud to be a Missouri Community Partnership. There are currently twenty Community Partnerships across Missouri. These non-profit organizations work in concert with local, state and federal partners to implement effective community strategies to meet local needs. Caring Communities has been a Community Partnership for more than 27 years established in 1997.
Caring Communities focus is to inspire and empower families to become self sufficient and thriving in the areas that we serve. With goals that involve children healthy, safe and educated, parents working, and youth succeeding.
To see other organizations like Caring Communities across Missouri visit mofact.org by clicking the link below.

LEVEL UP Youth Outreach Program
Level Up Youth enjoy after school activities. Mentors work to help chidden succeed. Level Up Youth experience different skill building exercises, fun activities, and volunteering experiences to help them reach for greatness! Level Up conducts summer camps, afterschool tutoring, lunch buds and other youth events.
Anyone wishing to become a Mentor or just volunteer to help on certain outings please contact Youth Coordinator at 573-683-7551 or visit the Youth website at levelupyouth.com!

Youth Drug Prevention Outreach
Each month several organizations, agencies, churches, law enforcement, school systems and concerned citizens meet to discuss strategies to prevent youth drug usage. If you would like to be a part of this coalition please call 573-683-7551.
The Coalition has just finished the first section of "Teen Talks" and it is a must see to understand what teens are feeling about drugs and how they have impacted their lives. To watch the video scan the bar code on the flyer below.
Over the next few months, "Teen Talks" will continue with different videos. Parents and the community will be able to participate in future presentations. To learn more about programs and projects conducted by the Coalition visit the Facebook @misscodrugfree - Mississippi County Drug Prevention Coalition

YFCP - Youth Future Career Program
The outreach project, YFCP works with area foster youth ages (16-21) in Mississippi and Scott County. The purpose of YFCP is to help youth in the foster care system transition from care to independence and become productive young adults. This program works with Department of Social Services and other area Missouri Community Partnerships in southeast Missouri to build a network of outreach and support.
For more information on the project please contact a Case Manager at Caring Communities.